Working on my Blog...

Since last Monday I've been working to make my blog look a little bit different, I should say more "Pro" or simply more readable. One of the really positive thing about Blogger is the fact that it's really simple to use for someone with no deep knowledge on HTML or other development language, Blogger give you anything you need to start blogging on your own and it's really easy to use. The only bad point is the lack of template from Blogger, if you want to really change your format or visual and have something more funny or complex, you will need to look somewhere else.

I'm actually trying diferent template from Deluxe Templates which offer you more than 120 free high quality template designed specifically to be use with Blogger and because all template have been tested you can feel pretty confident on downloading any of them by giving your blog a new face. By the way, just a quick thanks to Isaac Yassar for his help on template change and to Klodian (from Deluxe Templates) for his clever advice.

Anyway, if my Blog look a little bit strange or is slow to load image and text, don't worry at all, I'm actually testing some template and have to decide which one to use before finish the Peace Blogger make over.

Take care everyone....



Revolution Elements by Blozard. Original WP theme by Jason Schuller | Distributed by Deluxe Templates