I don't like golf or should I say I don't understand golf, it's to slow for me. Even when I tried last night the last Tiger Woods 08 game on PS3, it took me just 5 minutes to find it really boring and switch to NBA Live 08....

But you know what I love Tiger Woods, I really admire him as a player and how week in week out he's establishing himself not just at the best golf player ever but probably as one of the best athletes the world never seen, but more than that I have a great amount of respect for the man he is and his amazing work on charity through his foundation (The Tiger Woods Foundation) created in 1996 with his late father Earl Woods.

In the past 12 years Tiger Woods and his father did an amazing works on helping disadvantaged children become better people by developing program like the Start Something Character Development Program (over 1 millions participants last year).
Since 1996, his foundation touched more then 10 millions young people and he personally donate around $30 millions in scholarships and grants.

Then in 2006 Tiger Woods opened The Tiger Woods Learning Center , which is a 35,000-square-foot, 14-acre education facility located in Orange County, CA. Programs at the TWLC were created by kids and for kids. They are designed to take young people beyond their normal classroom experience through a unique after-school curriculum focused on career exploration and preparation.in Anaheim, California.
Members can choose from over 50 different courses in careers such as Marine Biology, Forensic Science, Environmental Integrity, Aerospace Rocketry, Biotechnology and Business Entrepreneurship. This special curriculum for students in grades 5-12 provides opportunities to learn about careers through technology and hands-on projects.

I know most people expect him to win the grand slam this year, starting by the Masters in a few weeks, but for me what make this man such an incredible person is the fact that no matter how hard he works on his game to raise the level each day higher, he make sure that he will do the same thing on his charity work, how many millionaires athletes do you know who already have given over $30 millions to help other and specially children, just ask yourself the question, how many?

IBM Project Big Green

Announced in May 2007, Project Big Green is a $1 billion initiative to dramatically reduce energy use by IBM and its clients. The initiative includes new energy efficient IBM products and services and a five step approach to energy efficiency in the data center. If followed, this approach can sharply reduce data center energy consumption, transforming clients' technology infrastructure into "green" data centers and provide energy savings of up to 42 percent for an average data center. The initiative also includes a new global "green team" of more than 850 energy efficiency architects from across IBM.

Just thing a minute about the following fact : "The six million servers in America's data centers today consume more energy than the 300+ million televisions in the United States".

IBM clients around the world are increasingly expressing concern over their growing need for energy and the associated costs, but the issue is becoming particularly acute for media and entertainment companies because they rely so heavily on high performance technologies to deliver their content," said Jim Gargan, Vice President, Brand Management, IBM BladeCenter and System x. "IBM as a company has made strides in addressing this need, but Project Big Green will allow IBM to further help the media and entertainment industry support sustained business growth with zero increase in consumption and environmental impact."

"Being 'green' is not just saying you're conscious about the environment and its challenges. In today's business world, it's about efficiency, power consumption and applying those green principles to smart business decision making," said Don Tennant, editorial director, Computerworld. "IBM, has taken a serious look at how they impact the environment and how they can address those challenges with good business sense, through their Project Big Green initiative and a company-wide focus on energy efficient technology and services."

As a result to the strong commitment for a more efficient business world, IBM has been named as the top Green IT company for 2008 by IDG and ComputerWorld in Armonk (NY) last month.

Steve Sams, vice president of IBM Global Site and Facilities Services said that "this is reflective of IBM's long-term commitment to the environment, and of the global success with clients that we've seen with our cross-company Project Big Green initiative, as we assess and implement strategies for our clients to be able to double their computing capacity without increasing energy use."

We all hope that this is just the beginning...


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