President Barack Obama

In 2004 when Barack Obama spoke during the Democratic National Convention, America saw the future and democrat were exited about this young man passion, love for the people and his will to make a difference. Today, Thursday 06 November 2008, Barack Obama is the new President of the United States of America.

He’s the first of his kind. This moment has nothing to compare itself to.

Last night during Barack Obama’s acceptance speech in Chicago’s Grant Park, the World was captivated. Christmas eyes around the world were prominent in their shocked reticence. Crowds cheered like it was New Year’s Eve and Super Bowl bombastic. One of the most unique moments in our planet's history. Joy and tears all around the world....

Blacks people are emotional and that’s just how it is. Now Whites people understand the origin of our emotion. Last night in America, Blacks voted with a smile because they finally felt a part of the political process and of the future of their country.

My brother called me from Lagos (Nigeria) this morning and the sound of his voice was full of hope and pride, I love you my brotha....

Based on America’s reaction, this was a real moment we all should be proud of.

This does not erase 400 years of slavery and racism.

Blacks deservedly will continue to be apprehensive but this will help.

The tears of joy shed by the American collective are something we all need to hold on to but education, racial profiling, affordable housing, criminal justice, the need for jobs and unconditional equality have to be genuinely approached with souls entrenched in reality’s flame.

Last night during his speech, Barack Obama spoke about civil rights through the experience of a 106-year-old woman. "She was there for the buses in Montgomery, the hoses in Birmingham, a bridge in Selma and a preacher from Atlanta who told a people 'We Shall Overcome'." The settling of history matters for all the African-Americans who turned out for him, but Barack Obama does not want to be seen as a black president.

Watching TV last night and looking out at Grant Park celebration, I wondered whether if this was the beginning of a better tomorrow for America and for the world itself. America has voted for a Black man. Only a few years ago, I would have doubted it happening. Racism will not disappear but America recognised in this election that it is a rainbow nation and increasingly so. Diversity is its future. The younger generation does not fear it.

The world is already saluting Barack Obama. The love affair won't last but, for a while, America will regain its lure. The strength and vibrancy of its democracy will be admired. To throw up a candidate like Barack Obama is testimony to the success of the American system. But will it be a history day? It could be but, in any case, to be able to watch this live on TV on that night was a privilege.


November 6, 2008 at 4:45 AM Anonymous said...

And the work begins now. His job of inspiringmillions world wide well done but now the hard part is in his real, I must add ,very unenviable job...Governing America


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